bookmatched live edge slabs

Our live-edge slabs are sawn as flitches – Meaning slabs ( boards) from a single log are cut and stored together. This enables the customer to buy slabs with matching grain and color ( flitch-matched/ book-matched). Usually this involves cutting the log from side to side, producing the live edges. On occasion, to maximize quality and figure, the log will be rotated while being cut. This produces a sawn edge.

The majority of the inventory listed online is kiln-dried.  A few select species have been air-dried only, to prevent checking, or due to the nature of the wood (if that is the case, it will be noted in the board description).

*** All walnut slabs and walnut lumber can only be sold kiln dried with the bark removed. This applies to all members of the walnut family (Juglans) which include but are not limited to Black Walnut, Butternut, English Walnut, European Walnut, Claro Walnut and Persian Walnut ***

See Available Live-Edge Slabs
rick with freshly cut bookmatched maple, live edge slabs